Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Videogames and Art" Introduction - Discussion questions

The following discussion questions are derive from the introduction to "Videogames and Art". The book can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/Videogames-Art-Intellect-Andy-Clarke/dp/1841501425

1. The writer talks about video games focusing on mechanics rather than aesthetics, and then goes on to discuss whether commercial video games in themselves are art. Do you believe that commercial video games can be considered art just as much as other types of video game art that uses these commercial games as their basis? The writer doesn't believe commercial games - in their entirety - can be considered art even if there are aesthetic art qualities to it. Do you agree or disagree with this claim?

2. Video game artists have to power to create their galleries fully within a game space, which would eliminate cost of showing art in a physical gallery. The intro talks about installation art being entirely entirely within the computer, and only gave benefits of this kind of idea. Do you find any shortcomings with this type of online-computer-gamespace only location?

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